This room contains exhibits and photographs from World War I and II:

1. The War cruiser "Sankt Georg", known for the Mutiny on the  Austrian  war-ships  in  the  Bay  of Kotor  in   1918. Noteworthy   are   the

photographs of four brave sailors - Fran Ras, Jerko Sizgoric, Anton Grabar and Mato Brnicevic who were suspected of having organized the mutiny and executed at Skaljari (a suburb of Kotor) on February, 11,1918.

2. The     destroyer "Zagreb"   sunk   by Milan Spasic and Sergej Masera in 1941. A part of the bow of the destroyer "Zagreb" is kept in one corner of this room to remind the visitors of the event that took place on April 17, 1941, when lieutenants Milan Spasic and Sergej Masera sank the destroyer in the Bay of Kotor in order to prevent the ship from falling into the enemy's hands and went down together with the ship. Their photographs are displayed on the wall above that of the destroyer "Zagreb"

3. The destroyer "Kotor", named after our old town in 1959 Above the entrance door there is a panel with the arms used by Montenegrin   and  Austrian   armies   in  the   First  World War.